SEO and content go hand in hand. Content reigns supreme in the world of search engine optimization. Content is an important component of SEO, whether you’re writing web pages, blog posts, or articles.

After all, without SEO, your content may end up on page  40 or 50 of the search results, and we all know that traffic on those pages is subpar. Similarly, if your post-click content is poor, your first-page ranking will be limited. That is why a strong relationship between SEO and quality content is critical!

If you are here looking for tips to become a good SEO writer, you are in luck because here are ten tips for writing SEO content that will help your content go further while also improving your SEO efforts.

1. Understand how the search engine works

If you want to write effective SEO copy, you must first understand how search engines operate. This may appear technical, but learning to write for search engines is simpler than you might think. The best way to do this is to stay on top of any new algorithm developments as well as the latest trends.

Along with staying up to date on search engine optimization trends, you’ll need to understand keyword placement and density, as well as how to apply these strategies when writing blog posts, web pages, articles, and press releases.

To build a successful strategy, you should also learn how Google crawls pages and assigns link authority. Remember that successful content writing entails writing and linking multiple blog posts, rather than simply posting one blog and hoping for the best.

2. Do some keyword research and create briefs for your content

To optimize ranking on search engines, you’ll need to master the art of incorporating keywords into your writing when writing SEO content. Some clients will provide you with a list of keywords to include in your copy, while others will delegate the task of developing a keyword list to you. If this is the case, you’ll need to be able to conduct effective keyword research.

You can use SEO software to help you do effective keyword research. All you need to do is to sign up for free trial offered and start developing the keywords list. This will help you find new articles that fit the demands of your audience. With the SEO tool, you can definitely save some time on your writing process and find other ideas about content.

Remember, a good keyword research strategy will include making a list of the most relevant topics based on your knowledge of the industry and researching related search terms. You may also want to investigate your client’s competitors to see how they rank for these keywords.

3. Write for your audience and target market

We believe that this is one of the keys to success when writing any content.  This is also the most important SEO writing tip for a reason. It appears simple enough, yet so many businesses create content for entirely the wrong reasons. For this, you need to create content that appeals to your target market’s interests or addresses their concerns. Not every post should be about your product or service, but they should all be related to the industry. Assert your expertise and that of your company in your industry by writing SEO-friendly, interesting, and informative content that is superior to your competition.

4. Consolidate everything under one roof

Maintain your website’s original content under your domain name to earn the credit and traffic it deserves. That is, if you have a blog, you should avoid using WordPress or Blogger and instead host it in a subfolder on your domain ( When you have the opportunity to showcase other types of original content, such as videos, infographics, or whitepapers, make sure to embed them on your website and share them from there as well.

5. Create headlines that are powerful

You have a very limited amount of text in which to make an extremely strong impression. Therefore, never underestimate the power of a well-written headline! Create headlines that are succinct, interesting, and incorporate a variety of keywords. Along with a strong headline, ensure that your meta descriptions are intriguing and expand on the subject of your article. Bear in mind that the title and meta description of your page is what appears in the search results, so make them count!

6. Employ keyword-rich phrases

Utilize relevant, keyword-rich phrases in your headlines and throughout your content to inform both readers and search engines about the topic of your post. However, excessive keyword density will not only deter readers but will also result in search engine penalties for keyword stuffing. Use keywords sparingly and thoughtfully, aiming for a more natural feel. Along with using keywords throughout your post, take advantage of blog tags by tagging a few relevant keywords for each post; most general blogs already include tagging functionality.

7. Organize and structurize your posts

Your post’s content may be excellent, but it can easily get lost in an unorganized, inefficient format. By segmenting your content with headlines, you can create an easy-to-read piece that will keep your readers engaged. Back-end organization is also critical for search engines. It is critical to use the proper tag hierarchy when tagging headlines (H1 for titles, H2 for subtitles) to ensure that the article remains well-structured.

8. Incorporate visual elements

Make your posts more visually appealing by including images! Individuals are visual creatures. Including an image with your blog post can make a significant impact. Not only images but also other motion elements like the video as well. When you put the image, video along with your content, Google will like your content more. And there’s a chance that it will more traffic to your website.

9. Utilize social media to spread content

Social media is an effective tool for expanding the reach of your content and encouraging sharing. Each new article should be promoted on social media sites and in forums, with compelling descriptions and a call to action. Because the strength of social media is in its sharing, it’s critical to include share buttons on each of your blog posts. If you’d like more control over how your links appear when shared, implementing Twitter Cards for Twitter or Open Graph for Facebook (technical) can help boost the visibility of your shared links and may improve your click-through rates.

10. Practice link building

Although link building has advanced significantly since the days of link buying and link farms, links remain a critical ranking factor for SEO. By including links to your articles or website in your post, you ensure that your article is picked up by another site. If you’re creative with other types of content, such as infographics and videos, including an embed code on your site encourages content sharing and also serves as a link to the original source. Creating high-quality content increases its shareability and likelihood of being linked to by other websites, so aim for excellence!

11. Understand a little bit programming languages

Any aspiring SEO content writer should also consider learning programming languages, either on their own or through a course. As a writer, you are unlikely to need to master all programming languages, but understanding the programs used by SEO professionals may help you stand out and will help a lot in your career.

12. Monitor your progress

By monitoring your efforts, you can stay on top of your SEO-friendly content. Google Analytics is a simple and completely free tool for tracking page views and average time spent on a page. Examine metrics such as your bounce rate and time-on-site to gain a better understanding of how users interact with your website after arriving at your content. If you notice a high drop-off rate in conjunction with a low average time spent on the page, this indicates that your content was either irrelevant to what they were looking for or, worse, was uninteresting.

Additionally, look at the number of social interactions (shares, likes, etc.) to get a sense of your post’s virality. Simply examining these simple metrics can provide valuable insight into which content pieces are well-received and liked, allowing you to replicate that type of content in the future.


So, these are 12 tips to become a good SEO writer and creating SEO-friendly content to rank on page 1 of Google. Both SEO and content writing are critical puzzle pieces, so it’s critical to use quality techniques to ensure increased traffic and engagement on your website. If you have more tips, please share them with us in the comment section below!